The Keyboard

Wouldn’t it be strange if anyone still read this blog? I do think I would be surprised if anyone still read this blog. I think I’m surprised that I can even sit here and write anything at all. That I can even keep a thought worth typing in my mind is very nice. Surprised that I still want to sit here and type and hope that there is someone that might still be interested in what I have to type onto this old dead blog. Maybe, Just maybe…I can spin a tale again….

Well how about it? Let me convince myself to start creating something again that is worth continuing. I think if I get even one genuine reaction to this sad desperate post, that I just might think of a new story, a new world, and new journey.

Sorry about the past.

This blog won’t be the same as before. It’ll be something new and likely the rest of the name and interface will change. I hope anyone that becomes interested in my writings can be captivated and inspired. Until…soon!

Much love, Alpha

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